Have you ever wondered what your face shape is? I mean, do you even know what your face shape is? What if what you thought about the shape of your face is wrong? Not too sure or just want a quick check? Well, you’re in luck! Beauty Insider is here to help you find out what exactly is your face shape. There are several different face shapes and most people fall into those categories. For some people, it is fairly easy to tell what kind of shape their face is. For others, it may be a tad bit more confusing! Sometimes, it is just too hard to tell because it looks so similar to other shapes! Well, maybe you’ve got a mix! 

The Different Face Shapes


First off, let’s have a look at the different face shapes. This can impact which hairstyles and even glasses suit you better! So, take a look and see which one fits your description! 


Someone with a round face shape has a rounded forehead. The width of your cheekbones is typically the same length as your face too. You could also have a jawline that is not too sharp and more rounded. Meaning it has more subtle angles. 


Square face shapes have more prominent angles. Similar to a square, there are more straight lines. Your hairline could follow a straight line and the length of your forehead can be similar to your jaw. The sides of your faces, such as your cheekbones, could follow a straight line as well. With minimal curves, you would also have a strong and squared jawline.


For those with a diamond face shape, your cheekbones should be the widest part of your face. With a smaller forehead and jawline, your chin should be narrow as well. Your chin could be quite sharp as well to imitate the shape of a diamond. The length of your face should also be similar to the width of it. 


With an oval face shape, you should have a tall or small forehead. Your cheekbones are again, the widest part of your face. Even though it is an oval shape, your jaw or chin should have angles that are sharp. Lastly, the length of your face would also be longer than its width, imitating an oval shape. 


Those with a heart-shaped face tend to have a widow’s peak too. This feature is a dead giveaway that your face shape is a heart. A widow’s peak is a V-shaped point in the middle of your forehead. Both your forehead and cheekbones are wider than your jaw. Your chin should also have a strong point with a narrow jaw. Similar to the oval face shape, your face should also be longer than it is wide. 


A rectangular face shape is quite similar to that of a square face shape. Although, it would be slightly longer than a square. You might have minimal curves on your face and follow straight lines instead. Giving a more prominent look, your jawline should be squared and your forehead, cheekbones and jaw should be of similar width. Your face may also be twice as long as it is wide. 

How To Determine Your Face Shape

Now let’s get into how to figure out what your face shape is. Determining what your face shape is can help you pick out the right hairstyle too. Not only that, but it could help with the type of makeup you apply. For those that wear glasses, it is also a good idea to know your face shape. As you can then pick out the right pair of glasses that fit your face perfectly! 

1. The Tools

All you need are four items. A mirror, notebook, pencil and measuring tape. Instead of using a builders tape, please do yourself a favour and get those tailor measurement tapes! Don’t try to use a regular plastic ruler too. It won’t work and it’ll be hard to wrap around your head! 

2. Forehead

measuring tape

Now that you have your tools, you can start by measuring your forehead! Measure across to determine the width. From here, you can find out if your forehead is the widest or smallest part of your face. Sometimes, it could even be the same or similar to your other two features! Your jaw and cheekbones. 

3. Cheekbones

face shape

To measure your cheekbones, place your measuring tape on the pointiest part. If you’re having trouble, just look for the points right under the outer corner of your eye. Most people’s cheekbones are the widest part of their face.

4. Jawline

face shape

For your jawline, measure from your chin’s tip to below your ear. Your jaw should angle upwards and since your jaw is on both sides of your face, multiple that number by two! Then, you’ll get the length of your jaw. 

5. Face Length

face shape

Lastly, all you need to do is measure from one end of your face to the other. This helps determine the length of your face and could be the difference between a rectangular and square face! Just measure from your hairline’s centre to the tip of your chin.