Are you trying to lose weight fast but can’t seem to find the right way to do it?  We know it can be easy to get caught up with a fad diet or other ‘quick fixes’ that promise weight loss in just days but most of them are not long term driven and will make you hungry fast and unsatisfied. Plus, if you don’t have the willpower to commit to the goal then it is easier for you to give up on these diets and weight loss plans quickly.

However, don’t worry about it! There are so many other scientifically proven ways that can help you lose weight fast and naturally. It might not be the easiest and quickest way to the weight loss of your dreams, but it’s very doable. These methods are tried and tested and are proven successful in helping burn fat quickly Plus, unlike those complicated diet plans like the keto diet, HCG diet and more these weight-loss tips are simple to get fit and in shape.

How To Lose Weight Quick And Naturally? 

If you are serious about losing weight and can commit to it then we have the right method for you. But before you start reading, remember we are not promising six-pack in just hours or 20 kg loss in a week, but if you follow our tips, you can lose up to 4kg in a week in a healthy and sustainable way. We’ve also got the lowdown on the best exercise for losing weight fast, and all the gear you’ll need to get started. Continue reading to find out more.

1. Reduce Your Daily Calorie Intake.

One of the fastest and efficient answers to the question of how to lose weight fast is to cut down on your daily calorie intake. You lose fast if you manage to achieve a consistent calorie deficit. You can do so by burning more calories than you consume. For example, if you eat 2,500 calories a day and burn 3,000, you are in a calorie deficit. So, remember to eat less and work out more but don’t starve yourself! 

2. Do Weight Training At Least 3 Times A Week.

No one can deny exercising is the best way to lose weight and keep your body fit and healthy. There are two main types of exercise, cardio training and weight. Both burn calories but cardio burns a lot of calories upfront while weight training continues to burn calories post-workout. So, by lifting weights, you will burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down. 

Try Doing These 13 Easy Exercises At Home Everyday For A Flat Tummy.

3. Eat A High Protein Based Breakfast.

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. Eating a filling breakfast can keep you full throughout the day and will also ensure you don’t get hungry too often. But that doesn’t mean you can binge on three doughnuts for breakfast! Eating a high-protein healthy breakfast is the key here. A high protein breakfast that includes eggs and lean meats like turkey and chicken can increase muscle mass and metabolism rate. 

4. Drink Lots Of Water. 

We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of drinking water. Drinking water, especially before a meal, can help you feel fuller and prevent you from overeating. This can help you consume fewer calories than what you normally would have. Plus, replacing fruit juices and fizzy drinks wit zero calories water means you can save up your daily calorie allowance for the good healthy foods instead of sugary fatty drinks. 

5. Avoid Drinking Alcoholic Beverages.

The main reason why you stop drinking alcohol if you want to lose weight is that alcoholic drinks are often very high in calories. So, by drinking less alcohol means you’re actually consuming fewer calories. Secondly, alcohols can also increase your appetite and make eat more than usual. Lastly, drinking alcohol gives you hangover that can affect the ability to function well the next day and make healthy choices.

6. Try Intermediate Fasting.

Intermediate fasting is an eating pattern where you can only eat for 8 hours a day and then you’re technically fasting for the next 16 hours. This method is proven to significantly cut down calories and increase metabolism rate. This is because during the fast period the body will run out of carbohydrates and will start converting body fats into energy. By this way, you are burning those stubborn belly and thigh fat naturally!  

7. Cut Down Junk Foods. 

Eating junk foods might be satisfying at the moment, but they can increase your cravings to eat more junk foods and before you know it, you would have finished the whole packet of Kitkat. So, when you’re trying to lose weight quickly eating a simple diet based on whole foods would be the option. Whole foods such as grains, fish, lean meat, veggies and fruits are very filling and fewer in calories without getting too hungry.

Here Are The 12 Most Affordable Superfoods In Malaysia Along With Their Nutritious Values!

8. Keep Track Of Your Weightloss Journey.

It’s important to measure your success and keep consistent track of your progress. It will give a better overview of your daily fluctuations and will keep you motivated throughout the journey. You can track your progress in pretty much any metric that works for you. Whether it’s weight, BMI, heart rate, calories burned, just download the right app or get a fitness tracker and keep a record of everything. By doing so, you’ll likely be happier and healthier. 

9. Swap Sugary Drinks To Plain Bitter Green Tea.

Green tea is well known for its fat-burning benefits. Swamping those sugary and fat-based bubble teas and caffeinated drinks to green tea can help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight fast, Try drinking plain unsweetened green-tea three times a day and you can start to see you an increase in your metabolism rate, This is because green tea contains catechins, which increase levels of the metabolism-speeding brain chemical norepinephrine. 

10. Have A Positive Attitude Towards Your Goal.

If you are committed anything is attainable but the key is to have the right mindset for it. Stress is actually one of the main contributors to overeating and fat gain. When you’re stressed or sad, hormones like cortisol stimulate your appetite and slows down your metabolism. So why be sad, girl? Find an activity that reduces stress for you like listening to music, dancing, yoga or basically anything that makes you happy in and out!

11. Do Mild Workout Even During Your Period.

We know this is a crazy idea to suggest but working out during and towards the end of your menstrual cycle can help you burn fat fast. This is because hormones like estrogen and progesterone tell your body to use fat as an energy source. Plus, sticking to a healthy routine during the period can help ease some of the pain and mood swings that accompany the menstruation cycle. Try doing simple exercises like planks, yoga or slow jogs, it really helps! 

Here Are All The Amazing Benefits Of Holding A Plank Every Day.

12. Have Some Light Snacks In Between Meals. 

Oppose to much popular belief, snacking is a surprisingly good idea for weight loss because it helps you stay full. If you constantly feed your body with snacks in between meal it will be tricked into thinking it’s constantly eating, so it will never slow your metabolism down. Try having anything between 100- 300 calories. Fruits are always a great snack idea but you can also fit in dark chocolates, gelato or some candies every now and then. 

13. Give Your Body The Sleep It Deserves.

If you want to know how to lose weight fast and quick then remember sleep!  Your body needs rest only then it can provide you with the energy you need to function well. When you’re exhausted, your body lacks the energy to do its normal day-to-day functions which includes burning calories efficiently. Try to get a good 7-9 hours sound sleep every day and watch your weight decrease naturally!

Try Eating These 10 Foods Before Bed As They Can Help You Sleep Better!

How Fast Can I See The Results?

If you don’t cheat and stick to the rules strictly you can expect to lose about 3-4 or sometimes even more in the first week, then consistent weight loss after that. Plus, if you’re new to weight loss plans, then things will probably happen quickly for you, as the more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

However, nothing has happened fast so be patient and don’t blame your body if you don’t see immediate results. And remember, for the first few days, you might feel a bit strange and tired and that’s totally normal because your body has been burning carbs for all these years, so it can take time for it to get used to burning fat instead. This is called the “low-carb flu” which usually will be over within a few days. 

After the first few days, you’ll start feeling very good and be more energy than you have ever before. Over time, these routines will become part of you and inevitable. So, remember to not give up and no matter how hard or painful it gets, picture the healthier and fitter you. And the pain and struggle are worth it! Glad that we can do a small part in your fitness journey and wish you all the best on this quest to redeem yourself! You got this, girl!