With the pandemic many of us have gained an awareness about cleanliness. After wearing masks, sanitising, and social distancing, being careful about bacteria, viruses, and dirt in your space has grown to be a habit. We have been looking for more ways to keep ourselves safe from bacteria and viruses wherever we are. During our search, we stumbled upon the new latest release by Bloomy Lotus® that has been brought to us by Neal’s Yard Remedies; ZEN WEARABLE NEGATIVE ION AROMA DIFFUSER.

Bloomy Lotus® Zen Wearable Negative Ion Aroma Diffuser

Allow us to present you to the world’s first wearable negative ion diffuser, which allows you to utilise essential oils to breathe in clean air while enjoying your favourite aroma. This wearable diffuser is small, compact, and very intelligent, cleaning the air from the atmosphere around you with high filtration effectiveness so that regardless where you are, you are now in a safe and fragrant bubble.

Bloomy Lotus® has created a clever gadget by combining unique design with high performance technology. With their Wearable Negative Ion Aroma Diffuser, you may live a better life by effectively removing viruses, allergies, smoke, pollen, moulds, and dust mites from your environment.

Benefits of Negative Ion

1 Removes dust, pollen, and other allergens from the air.

2. Negative ions improve your mood and mental clarity by counteracting the detrimental positive ions in your environment.

3. Increasing energy and attention.

How To Use

Pick up your favourite essential oil (yes, any!) or get your hands on one of Neal’s Yard Remedies amazing essential oils that are well scented, with a great array of choices. Add a few drops of it onto a specifically designed refill pad to create a calm, quiet ambiance in your surroundings. And finally, press the ‘on’ button!

You’re all set, safe, and enveloped in a fragrant bubble of your own.

Purchase the ZEN Wearable Negative Ion Aroma Diffuser at your nearest Neal’s Yard Remedies store for RM359.00.