We’re sure you’ve come across a celebrity with a face full of small bloody holes, posing for Instagram. As a well-known example, Kim Kardashian posted the photo below which boosted many to try out what’s now called the “vampire facial”. Don’t be scared- this isn’t a gruesome Halloween costume but simply an aesthetic procedure. So let’s talk about it; Beauty Insider is dishing out all you need to know about PRP treatments, what they can do and all their benefits!

So What Exactly Is PRP?

PRP is made from the patient’s own blood. It is a concentration of platelets, a kind of cell that circulates through the blood and is essential for blood clotting. Many factors are found in platelets and the liquid plasma component of the blood that is necessary for cell recruitment, proliferation, and specialisation in the healing process.

After obtaining a blood sample from a patient, the blood is placed in a centrifuge, which is a machine that separates the blood into its many components. Platelet-rich plasma can then be collected and processed before being injected into a damaged bone or soft tissue regions like a tendon or ligament.

PRP is injected into patients, and ultrasound guidance can help with the accurate placement of PRP. After receiving the injection, the patient must rest for a few days before commencing a rehabilitation activity regimen.

Is It Safe?

While dermatologists still have a lot of questions, the technique looks to be safe. You may have some discomfort, bruising, and swelling as a result of the procedure. These usually disappear within a few days. The manner your blood is handled poses the greatest danger.

It’s critical to keep the blood taken from your body sterile. Otherwise, you risk contracting an illness. The clinic should also follow the same procedure as transfusion facilities to ensure that your own blood is infused back into you for your safety. You might become terribly ill if you accidentally receive someone else’s blood.

How Do They Work?

PRP injections into the scalp may assist to decrease inflammation in the scalp, which can contribute to hair loss. Platelets secrete a number of bioactive chemicals, including pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators, as well as growth factors. High quantities of platelets have been found to reduce pain and encourage healing, particularly collagen development, by releasing these chemicals. In summary, they employ PRP injections in the hopes of speeding up the healing process for injuries that are sluggish or not healing at all.

Benefits Of PRP Treatment


PRP increases the formation of collagen and elastin, thickening and tightening thinning skin and effectively reducing wrinkles and fine lines. It’s also a wonderful treatment for enhancing general skin texture and tone since it promotes collagen. It’s very beneficial for folks who have rosacea or acne.

Promotes healing

Platelet-rich plasma has been shown to improve the healing process dramatically. Anti-inflammatories and heavier drugs, such as opioids, may be reduced as a result. Furthermore, because PRP injections are made from your own blood, they have few adverse effects because your body will neither reject nor react badly to them.

Natural remedy

Without the use of any foreign ingredients, PRP employs your own natural materials. The procedure involves taking a tiny sample of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge for about five minutes to separate the plasma from the other blood particles. The platelet-rich plasma is then reinjected into the treatment region to promote collagen and elastin synthesis.

PRP is incredibly safe since it uses your own natural ingredients. It isn’t a brand-new therapy, either. Its wound-healing qualities have long been recognised and employed in the medical system and in sports medicine.

Results are long-lasting

PRP results take three to four weeks to manifest, but they are long-lasting, often lasting 12 to 18 months following a three-treatment series. Given the procedure’s brief downtime, the extended and lengthy outcomes are well worth it.

What PRP Can Treat


You can also combine PRP with additional treatments like micro-needling, microdermabrasion, or a resurfacing laser. These treatments prepare your skin for the PRP to be applied to it. These combinations increase collagen formation, decrease fine wrinkles, and speed wound healing.

Moreover, PRP treatments are frequently used in Korea in combination with Skin Botox. For the ultimate skin elasticity-boosting elixir, shallow injections of a neurotoxic protein just beneath the skin’s surface are used.

The vampire facial is perfect for anyone with early wrinkles, extensive sun damage, or anybody who wants a more youthful, even-toned complexion. The only significant danger is bruising from having your blood is drawn, as well as mild bruising on your face from injections or micro-needling.


This treatment is often used when hair loss is caused by androgenetic alopecia, a disorder that causes hair follicles to shrink. PRP is made up of a variety of growth factors and proteins that help to speed up tissue healing. Researchers first thought that PRP may help regenerate hair by reversing the process that happens in androgenetic alopecia because some forms of hair loss are caused by injury to hair follicles. PRP has now gained popularity as a means of repairing hair growth.

Sport Injuries

You may have heard of players such as Tiger Woods receiving platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to aid in the healing of injuries. These blood-based injections are increasingly being used to treat sports injuries and aid in the healing of wounds following surgery.

Your doctor would inject plasma into many spots in your muscle if you were being treated for a muscle injury. During injections, doctors may employ ultrasound equipment to ensure they’re hitting the appropriate spot. They can help with torn tendons, tendonitis, muscle injuries, arthritic discomfort, and joint problems, among other things.