We understand the gym is not a place for everyone! In the midst of work and life, it is quite hard to make time for fitness. Especially now, with the current lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus, we are all trapped home. Why not, utilise this time at home to work on your body?! Wondering where to start, well Beauty Insider Malaysia has good news for you. We’ve put together a list of 13 simple yet effective at-home ab exercises that will give you a steel tight core.

First off, let’s acknowledge a hard truth, tight abs are not created overnight. It requires commitment and dedication however getting those abs is not an impossible task either! With the right moves and a healthy diet, you can get abs in no time. In fact, you don’t need to allocate a huge chunk of your time for exercising. Just as little as 10 minutes every day is good enough to get the job done.  Now, sculpture those abs with these 13 easy at-home ab exercises we’ve listed below.

1. Plank

Planks are probably the easiest at-home ab exercises. It requires no equipment and just your body. Despite being simple, planks hold a good number of benefits for our body. It can improve your core strength and stability. The key to nailing the art of plank is s to squeeze your entire body, the quads, glutes, core, back, and fists as tight as possible. Our glutes are responsible for stabilizing and aligning the hips and lower back.

How to Do:  

Lie flat on the ground and make sure your hands are aligned directly underneath your shoulder blades. Then, tuck in your tummy and lift yourself up but don’t arch your back!


When doing a plank make sure your elbows are aligned underneath your shoulders, and that your hands are balled up in fists. Then, squeeze your tummy core as tight as possible. If you lack adequate strength in these muscles, your lower back and hips will be unstable. That’s why it’s important to squeeze your gluteus muscles when doing a plank.

2. Russian Twist

This is another great ab exercise that strengthens and stabilises your core muscle. It is also a pretty easy move. 

How to Do:

All you have to do is sit on the floor and lean back slightly and lift your legs in a V-shape. Then, twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs.


Move slowly and aim to do 20-30 for the best result but remember don’t push yourself too harsh! 

3. Side Plank

Just like a normal plank, side plank helps strengthens the abdominal and the back muscles. 

How to Do:

To do a side plank first, rest on the one side of your body facing the floor. Place your elbow right under your shoulder, while contracting your core muscles lift your hips and knees off the floor. 


Hold on to the position for as long as you can, the longer the better but of course do come back to normal position when your body loses out the balance. Repeat the same on the for the other side.

4. Crunches 

Crunches are of the easiest at-home ab exercises as you don’t need any equipment or much time. The major benefit of doing crunches is it builds endurance and power in your belly muscles.

How to Do:

First, lie down flat on the floor and place your hand behind your head. Then, lift your upper body and shoulder blades from the ground without moving your knees.


Start off slow with a set of 10- 25 and add more sets as you get stronger.

 5. Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are another common at-home ab exercises that guarantee a great result. They don’t just strengthen the core muscle it also builds other muscles like chest, hip and lower back. 

How to Do:

Start sit-ups by lying flat on the floor mat, with your arms behind your head or laid straight off the ground. Then, move your upper body towards your knees without moving the lower body. 


Make sure your arms are not pushing against your head and neck too much. You are supposing to be using your core muscle to move and not the lower body. Also, remember to take a deep breath throughout the exercise. Do this 10-15 times.

6.  Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog is a mild yoga move that builds core strength while stretching the whole body. It’s named after the way dogs naturally stretch their entire bodies! This exercises also build strength in your arms, shoulders, and legs. It also makes the blood flow smoothly while calms the nervous system and relieves stress.

How to Do:

From a plank position, push your weight back through your heels until your legs and arm are straight and outstretched.


Hold this position for at least 10 seconds. The more you stretch the better it is yourself!

7. Flutter Kicks

Flutter kick is an exercise that specifically targets your lower abdominal. They mimic the movement of a swimmer swimming stroke but done on dry land. 

How to Do: 

You can do this exercise either lying on your back which can also strengthen your back muscles or you can do them lying on your stomach.


Make sure your core is tight, then rapidly kick your legs right and left alternately. Make sure that your lower back doesn’t lift off the floor at any point.

8. Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a basic balancing exercise that focuses on strengthening core and glutes.  You do not need any equipment besides your own body resistance for this exercise.

How to Do:

Begin the exercise with your hands being directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Then, while keeping your back and pelvis still, stretch your right arm forward and left leg back. Return back to starting position, and repeat the move for the left side. 


Start off with 10 each side then add on more as you get better at it.

9. Bridge Pose Bend

This is one of the many simple yoga moves you can do at home. the bridge pose bend help stretches and tightens your core muscles. It also opens up and stretches the spine and the back of the neck. 

How to Do:

Start off by lying face- down on the mat. Keep your elbows tucked into the sides of your body and raise your chest off the floor by pushing into the ground with both hands.


Raise your upper body up and go back as far as is comfortable. Hold in position for five breaths and release slowly.

10. Ballet Twist

As the name goes, this a move practise by ballerinas to stretch and strengthen the core. Though it may look difficult with practice you can get the move!

How to Do: 

To do this exercise,  sit on the floor and extend your legs, pressing them firmly together. Slightly lean your back and bring both your arms over the head like a ballerina. Slowly twist your upper body to the right, placing your right arm on the mat. Repeat the same movement for the other side.


Keep your abs engaged in through the move. Try to do 2 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each side.

11. Double Leg Twist


This exercise works both the upper and lower abdominals. They are challenging but is an excellent core strength builder. 

How to Do:

Sit straight with your knees slightly bent it. Then, rotate the legs out slightly, keeping the heels together and inner legs pulled in the centerline. Then slowly lie back down keeping your arms and legs stretched. Repeat this move as many times as you can without burning yourself out.


Make sure to point your toes and Lift your feet back off the ground at a 45-degree angle using your abdominal muscles and pause at the peak.

12. Mountain Climbers


This has got to be the toughest at home ab exercise in the list but is super effective. It doesn’t just tighten up the core muscle but also gets your heart rate up. Perfect quick cardio to get some sweats out. 

How to Do:

To do this exercise, first, you need to get into a plank position, on your hands and toes. Position your hands at about shoulder-width apart from each other. Then, pull the right knee into your chest as far as you can. Switch and do the same thing with your other knee and 


Keep your hips down and down arch your back! You might end up hurting yourself if you arch!!!

13. Reverse Crunch

The reverse crunch is also an intense exercise that targets the lower abdomen. 

How to Do:

To perform a reverse crunch, you need to lie flat on your back with your hands beneath your hips. Bend your knees and lift them towards your head, drawing them upward slightly at the end of the movement. Lower your feet back down just above the floor to complete one repetition. 


Add reverse crunches to your regular core routine to progress along your journey towards a tight, toned waistline!

There you go, the 13 best at-home ab exercises for the tummy of your dream. Remember to follow these exercises regularly by following the steps we have put out for you. Don’t push yourself too harsh instead enjoy doing it. Have a happy workout, lovelies!