Aglow Clinic Johor Bahru (Taman Pelangi)

Aglow Clinic Johor Bahru, located in Taman Pelangi, is a premier aesthetic clinic that offers a range of non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments to help their patients achieve their desired appearance. Led by Dr. Michelle Lai, a certified aesthetic physician with years of experience, the clinic provides services such as Botox injections, fillers, thread lift, and various laser treatments. The clinic also offers customized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique concerns and needs. With their commitment to excellence and personalized care, Aglow Clinic strives to help their patients look and feel their best.

Service Name Duration Price
Acne-Free Program depending on the case 0
Pico Laser depending on the case 0
Signature 3R Skin Program depending on the case 0

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