Carmen hair salon – 小咔发廊

Carmen hair salon provides an exceptional hair service environment for its customers. The salon’s expert hairstylists provide an array of professional hair services, inclusive of haircuts, hair coloring, styling, and hair treatments, among others. The salon takes great pride in delivering outstanding results through innovative hairstyling techniques, personalized hair advice, and unmatched attention to detail.

Moreover, the salon’s customer service approach is unmatched, with friendly staff always on hand to cater to customers’ needs. They ensure that clients get the best experience and have a comfortable and enjoyable time while getting their hair done. The salon’s professional hair service and comfortable environment have created a loyal customer base, leading to the salon’s success.

Overall, Carmen hair salon sets the standard for delivering unparalleled hair services in a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere, making it the go-to destination for those seeking the best hair services.

Service Name Duration Price
Bleach & Colour 240 mins $188.00
Scalp Treatment 90 mins $68.00
Cut 45 mins $13.00

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