Medi Beaute

Beauty salons like Medi Beaute offer a range of beauty services catered to the needs of their clients. These services include beauty treatments such as facials, nail services including manicures and pedicures, and eyelash extensions which are popular amongst women. Beauty salons also offer a variety of beauty products such as skin care creams, makeup, and hair care products that can be purchased by clients. Medi Beaute is a beauty salon that focuses on advanced skin treatments and medical aesthetics. They offer services such as laser hair removal, dermal fillers, and non-surgical facelifts. The salon also provides expert advice to clients on maintaining healthy skin and recommends treatments that are most suitable for their skin type. Overall, beauty salons like Medi Beaute provide a fun and relaxing environment for their clients to indulge in various beauty treatments and leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Service Name Duration Price
Hydra Glow Therapy 90 mins 0
Cell Fix Advanced Facial 90 mins 0
Midas Touch Therapy 105 mins 0

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