Peekaboo Hair Salon

Peekaboo Hair Salon in TTDI is a leading name in the Malaysian hairdressing industry, known for its commitment to quality, innovation, and style. With a team of highly skilled and passionate hairstylists, they offer a wide range of services, from regular cuts and perms to the latest fashion trends and total makeovers. Their state-of-the-art training studio is constantly evolving, with cutting-edge programs and materials designed to train and inspire the next generation of hairstylists. At Peekaboo Hair Salon, they believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best, and they are committed to helping you achieve your hair goals. So whether you’re after a subtle change or a dramatic transformation, trust Peekaboo Hair Salon to deliver exceptional results every time. Book your appointment today and experience the Peekaboo difference for yourself!

Service Name Duration Price
Wash & Blowdry 0 $68.00
Haircut 0 $75.00
Chemical 0 $180.00

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