Urban Retreat Onsen

Urban Retreat Onsen is a luxurious health and wellness spa in Malaysia that provides a range of rejuvenating treatments to restore and revive the mind, body, and soul. The spa’s tranquil atmosphere and state-of-the-art facilities make it the perfect place to unwind and escape from daily life. The skilled therapists use natural ingredients and traditional techniques to offer massages, body scrubs, facials, and their signature onsen experience. Urban Retreat Onsen’s comfortable facilities, such as saunas, steam rooms, and relaxation lounges, make it the perfect destination for a complete wellness experience. With personalized attention, exceptional services, and a serene atmosphere, Urban Retreat Onsen offers a rejuvenating and revitalizing experience for all its clients

Service Name Duration Price
Onsen + Body Massage 120 mins $289.00
Onsen + Body Treatment 120 mins $309.00
Onsen + Body Scrub + Wrap + Massage 240 mins $599.00

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