Welcome back to Honesty Hour! Just so you know, this product was gifted to me, but I will still be 100% transparent on my thoughts about it.

This review is about three products: Neal’s Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Hand Cream, Neal’s Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Body Lotion, and Neal’s Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Beautiful Lips.

Let’s dive right in!

Neal’s Yard Remedies

The Brand

If you haven’t heard of Neal’s Yard Remedies, they’re kind of a niche brand that specialises in natural and organic products. The brand was founded in 1981 in Convent Garden, and they’re known for only using blue bottles to keep their products safe from UV rays. They pride themselves on being a sort of modern apothecary, and I truly love the fact that they’re completely cruelty-free.


For this particular range of products, organic beeswax is the star of the show, and 3% of sales goes to charities that help to protect the bees. These products are made with organic fair trade honey which are sourced through an ethical co-operative in Chiapas, southern Mexico. I love that we know exactly where the ingredients come from!

Bee Lovely Nourishing Trio


Let’s first talk packaging: this is great as a gift. All three products are mini sized, and there’s even a ribbon attached to the top of the box, so you can even use it as a Christmas tree ornament!

As is the case with the rest of the brand’s products, both the hand cream and the body lotion is packaged inside their iconic blue bottles, and the lip balm is packaged in an adorable tin. All three products are small enough to carry around, too.

Bee Lovely Hand Cream (30ml) Review

First impressions: this smells nothing like honey. As this range of product is all about the bees, I fully expected it to smell like honey, but instead, it has a rather strong scent of bitter citrus. Not too happy about that, TBH, as I’d rather it smell like honey.

As for the formula, it has a thinner consistency compared to some other hand creams I’ve tried, but I’m totally okay with that. However, I do feel like it leaves a sort of film as it doesn’t fully absorb when I apply it. I believe that it would be great for dry or rough hands, but it’s not for me. It kinda makes my hands look and feel greasy, too.

One thing that I do like about it is that it doesn’t completely wash off even after rinsing it away immediately after applying it, which tells me that it does absorb into my hands. Just not completely.

I’ll be real, I’m not a hand cream sort of person, so I most definitely have not been using it every night. Especially in Malaysia where the weather is always warm and my palms are always sweaty (knees weak, arms are heavy) – it’s a no go for me. I’m not really a fan of the scent either, so there’s really no incentive for me to keep using this.

Bee Lovely Body Lotion (50ml) Review

The body lotion has the same bitter citrus scent as it’s infused with orange essential oil, but it’s a lot more subdued than the hand cream. This one is also thinner than other body lotions that I’ve tried, but I personally don’t mind it. A little goes a long way, and my skin does feel softer after using it.

Again, I’m not a body lotion person, so I haven’t been using it consistently, but I do find myself reaching out for it whenever my skin feels dry. It works, but I just wish that it was honey-scented instead.

Bee Lovely Beautiful Lips

I actually am a lip balm person, so I do have a lot of thoughts on the Bee Lovely Beautiful Lips lip balm. First things first, this comes in a small tin rather than a tube, so you have to dip your finger in it. Personally, I’d generally prefer a tube lip balm just because I think it’s more hygienic, and if you have long nails, then it might be a little difficult for you to use this.

Second things second, this stuff melts real easily. As in, as soon as you dip your finger in the tin, it’s gonna melt from your body heat. Which means that you absolutely cannot leave it in the car. Another thing about the fact that it melts so easily is that it doesn’t feel like a regular lip balm; I would say that it’s more akin to a lip oil.

The tiniest bit is all you need, and it has a slight shine to it, so it’ll actually work great as a lip topper. However, I do not recommend using this underneath a matte lipstick, as the lipstick definitely won’t stick. It does work great as a lip mask though, so be sure to wipe it away before you apply your lipstick.

As the consistency is so thin, I don’t find it to be long-lasting. It doesn’t stay on when I eat, which means that I’ll constantly have to reply it, and the idea of having to stick my finger in it all the time just gives me the ick. I totally understand why it has to be in a tin rather than a tube, though. It’s also unscented, which is great if you have sensitive skin.

Final Thoughts

I’m not a fan of the Neal’s Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Nourishing Trio. Scent is major to me, and the bitter citrus scent from the orange essential oil of both the hand cream and the body lotion is just not appealing to me. I also think that it would just make more sense if a product line that revolves around bees should smell like honey, but maybe that’s just me. The lip balm also melts too easily for my taste, and in this tropical weather, it just doesn’t work.

Formula-wise, I actually do like all three products. I can tell that they all do what they intend to do, which is to nourish the skin.

Would I use these products? Yes.

Would I purchase them for myself? No.

Do I think this trio would be great as a gift for somebody with dry skin and lips? Yes.

Where To Buy

If you’re interested in getting the Neal’s Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Nourishing Trio, you can buy it here or at any Neal’s Yard Remedies physical stores.