Has your skin been lacking its usual glow lately? You might have stumbled upon a case of dull skin! But, fret not. There are definitely ways to help treat dull skin and help get your glow back! Don’t feel embarrassed if you used to have radiant skin and now have fallen into the category of dull skin. It happens to most of us when we start neglecting our skin and body. Factors such as not enough sleep, dehydration and stress can lead to lacklustre skin that looks dull. So, Beauty Insider is here to help you figure out the reasons you might have dull skin. As well as offer different treatments to help you regain your skin’s radiance. 

What Causes Dull Skin?

Did you know that your skin is actually your skin’s largest organ? Well, it is! But because of that, it is completely understandable if it’s not always in its best state. Your hormones might be acting up and that could cause your skin to react differently as well. So when your perfectly clear skin starts breaking out and looking dull every time your period comes around, just know that it is normal. For guys, we know that you’ll never have the trouble of having breakouts during your period, but dull skin can also occur when you’re feeling stressed or dry. 


The first reason you could have dull skin is due to dehydration. Yes, not drinking enough water CAN affect your skin. Not just your body internally, but being dehydrated can cause your skin to dry out, crack and ultimately look dull. Which is something you don’t want. So, the next time your skin turns dull, try to remember the last time you drank some water! If you can’t remember, then it is a sign that you are dehydrated and not drinking enough water. Meaning, you should get up right now and go drink some water! 

Lack of Moisture

Have you been moisturising your skin? We know that a skincare routine can be a hassle and tiring to do sometimes. But, you have to be consistent, or your skin will suffer. You do want clear and radiant skin right? So, to avoid dull skin, make sure that you are moisturising your skin during your skincare routine. Besides, moisturising can also help protect your skin’s delicate top layer. If your skin is prone to drying out, using a moisturiser twice a day isn’t such a bad idea. 

Dead Skin Cells Buildup

News flash! Your skin is shedding dead skin cells almost every day! Your skin sheds dead skin cells in order for new cells to surface. But, there are times where the dead skin cells don’t shed properly. Instead, they end up building up on the surface of your skin. Thus, it can cause patchy, dry, flaky and dull skin. 


As you age, your skin can start looking dull. Ageing is inevitable, so the only thing you can do to prevent dull skin is to take care of it! As you age, start adapting and changing your skincare routine to suit your age. It is also important to note that as you age, you should incorporate more nourishing and hydrating products into your routine. Thus, it can help you stay youthful-looking and healthy! 


Dry skin can also make your skin appear dull and lacklustre. This is usually true for those that live in cold or winter conditions. But, if your environment is low in humidity, it can also cause your skin to become dry. When the air around you is dry and cold, it can also leave your skin feeling dry and ultimately dull-looking. So, the next time you are in an air-conditioned room, make sure it’s not too cold or dry! 


As if smoking isn’t damaging enough to your lungs, it also harms your skin! According to a review in 2010, smoking is found to be an important environmental factor for premature skin. The review discovered that smoking can actually diminish collagen production and reduce your skin’s connective tissue and elastic fibres. Furthermore, it also increases your skin’s oxidative stress which in the end, speeds up the ageing process. Thus, contributing to the appearance of dull skin. 

How To Regain Your Glow!

So, if your skin is looking a bit dull recently, don’t be too down! There is always a solution. Lucky for you, there are plenty of at-home treatments you can try to regain your radiant glow. 

Be Gentle

The best thing you can do to avoid dull skin is to be gentle! When cleansing your skin, removing all your makeup and dirt, it is best to do it gently. Meaning, that you can’t scrub your skin vigorously! It is also a good idea to avoid harsh and drying soaps that can cause irritation, tightness, redness and flaky skin. The best way to cleanse your skin gently is to use an oil cleanser to get rid of all your makeup first. This is because oil cleansers are able to cleanse your skin without stripping and damaging your skin too much. Then, you can go in with a much gentler cleanser, so you can avoid dull skin! 

No Hot Water

Have you realised that most skincare routine videos on Youtube specifically ask you to use warm water when cleansing your skin? That is because you should never wash your face with hot water. This is because hot water can end up stripping your skin of its natural oils. In the end, it can make your skin feel dry and cause irritation as well. Thus, washing your face with lukewarm water is the best way to make sure you don’t get dull skin. 

Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating is the best way to remove all the buildup of dead skin cells on your skin. What’s more, is that it also helps make your skin glow! Exfoliating can also smoothen your skin and prevent dull skin. It also has the benefit of reducing the appearance of fine lines, as well as evening the texture of your skin. 

Use A Serum

Start using serums in your skincare routine, and you just might avoid dull skin from showing! Serums actually contain a ton of ingredients that have the benefit to brighten your skin. Aside from that, it also has the benefit to help reduce signs of ageing and hydrate your skin even more. Niacinamide, Vitamin C, Ferulic, Resveratrol are great serums to add to your skincare routine in order to brighten up your skin. 

Self-Love With Face Masks

masks for dull skin

It is also important to treat yourself once in a while. Just like you get dessert after a meal, your skin deserves a treat too! Applying a face mask to your skin once a week is a great way to give your skin some love. Masks that contain hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and antioxidants are a great choice to help with boosting your glow and avoiding dull skin. 

Moisturise Your Skin

As we’ve said before, dehydrated skin can lead to a dull skin complexion. So, it is important to moisturise your skin. Especially if you have dry skin, you should be moisturising your skin twice a day. Furthermore, using a moisturiser can also help prevent the loss of moisture in your skin. 

Retinoids For Collagen Boost

Retinoids, or otherwise known as Vitamin A, have the benefit to help stimulate the growth of collagen. Thus, it can also help normalise the turnovers of your skin cells. Furthermore, retinoids are also able to help exfoliate your skin, thus bringing newer skin cells to the surface of your skin. In the end, you’ll achieve a more natural glow and be free from dull skin! 

Sunscreen Everyday

sunscreen for dull skin

The most important trick to avoid dull skin is to apply sunscreen every day! Even if you aren’t leaving your house anytime soon, you should still be applying sunscreen. This is because sunscreen can help shield your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Thus, preventing skin pigmentation, rough skin, ageing brown spots and dull skin. 

Professional Help

If all else fails to get rid of your dull skin and restore your skin’s natural glow, you can always opt for professional treatments. There are procedures that can help improve your skin’s appearance. So, talk to a dermatologist if you need to! 

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