Oily T-zone brings an unwanted shine to your forehead and nose; clogs pores which could lead to whiteheads and blackheads occurrence and even to breakouts. This is due to the area containing a larger amount of oil-producing glands. It is especially a challenge for oily and combination skins. Here are some tips to help you to care for oily T-Zones.


Choose a cleanser that will remove dirt, decongest pores and clean out excess sebum and acne-causing bacteria from your face without drying out your skin. Pick a gel or water-based foaming cleanser for your face.


Use an alcohol-free toner to soothe and balance your skin.

Oil-Free Moisturizer

Overly drying the skin in your T-zone will encourage it to produce more natural oils. To hydrate your skin, choose an oil-free moisturizer for your T-zone.

Clay / Charcoal Mask

Use a Clay or Charcoal Mask on your T-zone once a week or once a forth-night to deeply cleanse your skin. They remove dead skin cells which could clog up your pores and absorb excess oils.

Blotting Sheets

Use blotting sheets throughout the day to absorb excess oil and remove the shine.