The fear of anyone catching a glimpse of your underarms should never even be a concern but for many dark underarms can significantly lower down confidence level and self-esteem. In fact, dark underarms keep many people away from dressing in sleeveless tops and participating in activities that require them to raise their hands Now, though dark, discoloured underarms aren’t a serious medical condition nor something you should be embarrassed about, it can make some feel uncomfortable. In such cases, the good news is that there any abundant number of easy and cost-effective remedies to lighten dark armpits naturally without any side effects.

But do you know what causes dark armpits? Well, this discolouration can be caused due to various reasons. The most common reasons are shaving, accumulation of dead cells, excessive sweating and smoking. And just like our hair and skin, our armpits are too are unique on their won and definitely one size doesn’t fit all. Different people take a different approach on dealing with the hyperpigmentation, or darkened skin, under their arms. We at Beauty Insider Malaysia have gathered the 11 best ways to lighten armpits naturally. Not just are these do-it-yourself hacks cheaper compared to those fancy laser treatments but safer too!!!

1. Rub Potato Slices on Your Armpits

Potatoes are one of the most underrated but superbly effective home remedies to lighten armpits naturally. Packed with skin lightening properties, potatoes are also great for pigmentation and discolouration all around the skin. All you have to do is peel a potato and chop it in few round pieces. Then,  rub the potato slices on your armpits for about 1-3 mins. Do this every day and watch your armpit lighten in no time!

2. Make a Thick Turmeric Paste

The holy grail ingredients of many Indian beauty products, turmeric is a very powerful herb that is loaded with many beauty and health benefits. This is due to the powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory called curcumin that is in turmeric which can brighten and improve your uneven skin complexion. All you got to do is take one tablespoon of turmeric and mix it with lemon juice or plain water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly to your armpits and let it dry for about 30 minutes. Then, wash the paste off.

3. Scrub Your Armpit with Orange Peel Powder

Orange peel powder is a wonderful ingredient which can not just lighten uneven skin tone but also add a natural glow to our skin. The best part is you can make orange peel powder by yourself at home. All you need to do, dry some orange peel in room temperature overnight. Then, blend it to thin powder the next day. Once you have the powder, mix it with rose water or normal water to make a thick paste. Then, gently scrub your armpits with the paste and then leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. 

4. Apply Aloe Vera Gel on The Dark Zone

One of the most popular home remedies to lighten armpits naturally, aloe vera is known as the natural sunscreen. Its antibacterial property can soothe inflamed skin and lighten discoloured armpits as well. It is also pretty simple to do this remedy. Just cut open a fresh leaf and extract some fresh aloe vera gel. Apply a layer of this gel on your underarms and let it dry for about 10-15 minutes and rinse with water. You can do this every day. Now, have you gotten yourself an aloe vera plant already?!

5. Exfoliate Your Armpit With Baking Soda 

One of the most common ingredients in many kitchen cabinets, baking soda is an incredible exfoliator that can effectively unclog pores and lighten armpits naturally. All you got to do is, mix baking soda with some lemon just nice enough to make a thick paste. Scrub it over your underarms for about 5 minutes, wash it off using lukewarm water. Finish it off by moisturising your skin with some lotion. Make sure to moisturise your skin because baking soda and lemon are very acidic substances that can dry out the skin. Repeat this method 3-4 times a week for effective results.

6. Make Your Own Deodorant With Sugar and Olive Oil 

Now, deodorants are extremely important and you cannot skip them. Not just to do they keep bad odours at bay but also keep you feeling fresh all day long. But the thing is most deodorants are filled with harsh chemicals that can harm the armpit which results in the hyperpigmentation. To avoid this, just make your own deodorant. All you got to do is, add one tablespoon of olive oil and brown sugar in a bowl and mix together. Dampen the armpit area. Apply this mixture on the affected area to lighten your dark underarms.

7. Form a Clay Mask Using Sandalwood Powder

Sandalwood powder is an age-old magic product that has been used for ages to lighten armpits naturally. Not just does it smells super divine but it holds a number of skin-loving benefits including lightening pigmentations. Mix it with milk and waa-laa, you have the world’s best clay mask there! Apply it on your armpits, let it dry for 10-15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. This natural clay mask can be used on all parts of the face as it can effectively exfoliate and lighten the skin.

8. Include More Cucumbers in Your Diet

One of the least flavourful veggies ever, but cucumber is so good for health that you shouldn’t skip! Along with its excellent nutritional properties, cucumbers are also filled with a number of vitamins and minerals that can significantly improve your overall skin retention and tone. Just add more cucumber to your meals, and you can just snack on them in-between meal. Optionally, you can add a few slices of cucumber to your drink. It is a great detox drink that can reduce skin darkness.

9. Bleach Your Underarms With Tomato Juice

Another simple yet effective home remedy to lighten armpits naturally is raw tomato juice. Tomatoes, in general, are known for their bleaching properties hence they are extremely effective in lightening the skin in the underarm area. Plus, tomato juice also can help reduce sweating which is a major cause of darkening of the area. Just blend a few slices of tomatoes till it becomes liquid. Then, apply the juice overnight daily for a fast and visible result!

10. Gently Scrub Your Armpits with Pumice Stone

Pumice stone is a type of stone formed when lava and water mix together. It’s a light-yet-abrasive stone used to remove dry, dead skin. This naturally occurring stone has been used in centuries to remove the darkened layer of the skin. Just wet the pumice stone and gently scrub the underarms for a few minutes before taking a shower. But please be gentle while scrubbing the stone is very rough and harsh rubbing can tear off the skin. And the last thing you want is wounded underarms! 

11. Massage Your Armpits With Milk

Last but not least in our best home remedies to lighten armpits naturally list is massaging your armpits with milk. Massaging the underarm area with milk or yoghurt may also help in lightening the skin tone. But milk is a very potent ingredient and might not be suitable for all skin type. Try it once and if your skin burns or feels itchy, rinse it off immediately! That said, milk is a great skin moisturiser that can keep the skin soft and supple. So, it is worth a try, opt for the fresh cow or goat milk for the best results!