You know, sometimes skin tags can get pretty annoying. Especially when it appears out of nowhere! When you suddenly find a skin tag, you start questioning if it was always there, or recently formed? It’s the same with moles when you unexpectedly find one you thought wasn’t there before. But once you realise its existence, you start paying attention to it and hope that it goes away. Sadly, moles don’t usually work that way! But, there are remedies that can help remove skin tags. It is up to you whether you want to remove it as some can feel smooth and normal. If it hurts or bothers you, then it might be time to visit a doctor. Regardless, Beauty Insider is here to share some insight about skin tags and some remedies to removing them. 

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags usually grow in areas where your body folds. These tags are noncancerous and painless on the skin. A thin and small stalk called a peduncle is responsible for bridging the skin tag with the skin. Common in both men and women, they tend to grow commonly for those aged 50 years old and above. They can grow in areas on the body such as the groin, neck, thighs, armpits, eyelids and under your breasts.

Identifying A Skin Tag

To help identify skin tags, all you have to do is look for a peduncle. Skin tags are different from moles and other growths. This is because it has a small peduncle to hang off our skin. They are also quite small as most are usually only 2 millimetres big. Although, sometimes they can grow quite a few centimetres. While some of them are soft and smooth, others are wrinkly and resemble grains of rice. Skin tags can also be skin-coloured, or darker if you have hyperpigmentation. 

What Causes Skin Tags?

They are made of collagen and blood vessels with an outer layer of skin surrounding them. Although unclear why they form, speculation believes that friction may be a factor in the forming of skin tags. Sometimes, they can be side effects from pregnancy, weight gain and hormones. Although not contagious, they could be genetic so if you have them, maybe you inherited them from your parents! 

How To Remove Skin Tags?

For professional removal of skin tags, please consult and see a doctor. These are some methods that are medically used to help remove them. 

Cauterisation: This method is performed by burning off the skin tags. After several treatments, the skin tag tends to drop off by itself.

Cryotherapy: This method means that the skin tag is frozen off with the application of liquid nitrogen. This freezes the skin tag and after a couple of treatments, the skin tag should be removed. 

Ligation: This method just ties a surgical thread around the skin to prevent the flow of blood. Without blood flow to the skin tag, it will eventually drop off by itself as well. 

Excision: This method might be what most people try to do at home. Please don’t. If you want to perform an excision to remove your skin tag, consult a doctor. Since a blade needs to be used to cut off the skin tag, it is better for a professional to do it. 

Home Remedies

Now, here are some home remedies you can try! There is no harm in trying and if the skin tags are not removed, you can always visit a doctor to get them removed. These are just some ideas. 

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Although there is little research surrounding whether apple cider vinegar can help remove skin tags, people have tried. Some soak a cotton pad into the mixture and hold it against the tag two to three times a day for 10 minutes. They do this until the skin tag falls off. But, be careful of irritations or allergic reactions. Once you notice this, stop immediately. Since apple cider vinegar is acidic, avoid using it near the areas of your eye. 

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has helped with other skin conditions. Similar to the method of using apple cider vinegar, just dip a cotton ball into the oil and place it on your skin tag. Doing it two to three times a day for 10 minutes until it falls off. Similarly, be careful of irritation and allergic reactions. Thus, avoid using this near your eye area. 

3. Removal Creams

You can also try using removal creams to get rid of your skin tags. Avoid salicylic acid as it may cause irritation. Some of these creams recommend cleaning the area with an alcohol wipe before applying. Apply for a few weeks to see results. 

4. Removal Bands & Patches

These removal bands and patches help cut off the blood flow. Without the flow of blood being supplied, the cells eventually die and the skin tag could potentially fall off. This process is similar to that of the ligation method. Using for several weeks or days may help remove the skin tag. Although, most recommend removing skin tags medically.